Road Safety Blog

Public concern about road safety









On the Arrive Alive website we have enabled the public to share their experiences about the safety on the roads. The public can register as voluntary traffic observers and report bad driving on-line. We also receive specific complaints and share these with the National Traffic Call Centre as well as Communications at the RTMC.

Earlier this morning we received one of these emails of concern which we would like to share on this Blog:

“Subject: Traffic Message: ——–

I’ve been an observer for a while now, but don’t really see any change. In fact it’s like a mad race out there. It’s like the cannon ball run; just get there as soon as you can, at any means, no rules. I do see a lot of Metro on the road, writing fines for no seat belts, which I know is very dangerous for the community, the cars overtaking on the pavement, going through red lights, is no threat, not enough to be pulled off the road for anyway. Even emergency vehicles cannot get to an accident scene, because people use the emergency lane to overtake, where is the justice in this country???

The way people drive is creating more road rage. Most days the R55 Main Road is so bad that you can’t even see the road, there are so many cars driving on the shoulder, and creating dust. And now after having my licence for more than twenty years I only now found out what the real purpose of a red robot is, It’s an opportunity to overtake that slow, law abiding, decent driver in the little car in front of you. I sometimes wish that we had traffic cops in our country that can bring back law and order.

If they take all unroadworthy cars off the road, and get the maniacs off our roads, life would be so much better. Every five years you have to prove that you are sane enough to own a firearm, but the roads are full of crazy people, they issue a licence to you without testing to see if you are sane enough, a steering wheel in the hands of these people, is just as bad as putting a gun in his hand. It makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it, giving a crazy aggressive person a two thousand pound car, and letting him loose on the roads, where our wife’s, take our little children to school. Too many innocent people die due to this. There are very few accidents in the roads, most of them are “Purposes”, no one accidently ignores a red light, accidently drives 180 km/h on the freeway, accidently overtakes you on the shoulder lane, and bumps into you. Something to think about, hey…..”
We will share this with the traffic authorities and remain committed to greater interaction with the public!

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