Road Safety Blog

We should have more designated driver campaigns at events & festivals!








The past weekend was an excellent example of what can be achieved if a few companies join efforts to enhance safety on the road. The Innibos Arts Festival had a free designated driver service for those festival people who might have had a few too many!

Designated drivers took these festival people to their homes and the designated drivers were then picked up by a sponsored vehicle for this purpose. Trans African Concessions received assistance from Mazda, BP and TomTom in organizing the designated driver service.

Another “sober driving” feature was the “chill- tent” where those who had a few too many were able to recharge their batteries. Nestle and Selati assisted in giving these festival people a change to rest a bit and sober-up!

The Arrive Alive website would like to congratulate the organizers and those companies who have recognized the need for safety and who offered their assistance in keeping the roads safe for all the road users!

This is something that all event organizers might need to take to heart! There is nothing to place a greater lid on festivities and enjoyment than a unnecessary road death!!

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