Road Safety Blog

Vehicles turning into the same road from opposite directions


The Arrive Alive website received this interesting request for assistance:


“Hi, I am frequently confronted by the following situation. Driving in the left lane I wish to turn left into a roadway with 2 lanes (same direction). Vehicles approaching me from the opposit direction cut across my path as if the outer lane of the road I am turning into belongs to them. This has led to many near collisions. Do I not have right of way in both same direction lanes I am turning into? Surely the vehicles approaching from the opposite direction have to yield until I have my turn? Without a diagram this is difficult to illustrate. I hope you understand. Please advise.”

We referred this for a response from our experts:


This question is not really covered in the Rules of the Road as tested for the learner’s licence test.

However, in our Topscore CD-ROM disc there is a topic on right of way in a section called The Guiding Principles for Motoring. Here is an extract of that right-of-way topic that is relevant to the question being asked.

As you can see, the ‘Rule’ itself is quite ‘generic’. But the second item offers a sound interpretation of this rule as it affects right of way. We would like to acknowledge Topscore K53 Learner’s & Driver’s Test Success  –

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