Road Safety Blog

Park your vehicle with attention to safety!


Do you also get frustrated when others park with no respect for your safety? Most of us get annoyed at the selfish driving habits of others and even the simple act of parking can not only frustrate, but pose a significant road safety risk. I would like to share an email received by the Arrive Alive website from a visitor:

” My apologies for troubling you but I have a problem with my neighbours’ garden services that park almost in front of my entrance every Tuesday afternoon between about 15h00 and 17hoo.

Could you please refer me to the correct persons that could take action against this person as you can see it on a blind rise in the road and one can see absolutely nothing from the bottom or from the top as the cars from the top has to cross the white line on the blind rise to get by.

I would appreciate it if could help me in this matter..”

Photos were attached to the email  – clearly illustrating the danger presented by the parked vehicle. We asked for a few more details and forwarded these both to the National Traffic Call Centre and the Tshwane road authorities!

Also view:

[ The way and place you park can also impact on your car insurance and the risk to car theft!]

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