Road Safety Blog

Questions on tyre inflation and pressure


The Arrive Alive website received a short email from a visitor from Australia:


Sent: 30 December 2009 01:19 PM
Subject: Over inflation of tyres.

Mazda 121 1995 Model DB sedan 1.5 liter manual.
Tyre size 175 x 65 x 14.
Now running tyre pressure at 36 psi.
Car recomended pressure 26 psi.
Does over inflation damage suspension settings?
What is the optimal pressure to over inflate tyres?

We referred this to an expert and would like to share the response to this email:


Good Day Dianne,

I received your query from the Arrive Alive “Webmaster” and have also noticed your query comes all the way from Australia!

To answer your questions.

It is always recommend to use the recommended tyre pressure as stipulated in the owner’s manual/guide. Always remembering when carrying a load to increase the tyre pressure and then deflating the tyres back to the specified pressures when not carrying a load.

Remember to always check your tyres when cold. Correct inflation is the key to fuel economy, assists with good kilometres/mileage out of the tyres, will wear the tyres out in the middle of the tyre and will be a hard ride! We also recommend wheel balancing and wheel alignment are done every 10 00 kilometres. This also assists with the longevity of the tyres avoiding bad wear.

Regarding the suspension as your car is over 10 years old and don’t have the kilometre reading of the vehicle, I suggest you check the shock absorbers regularly otherwise bad shocks will mean replacing the tyres long well before the time!

Hope this  gives you a few tips and answers your questions.

Drive safely!

Dot van Ryneveld
National Fleet Manager
Tiger Wheel & Tyre
South Africa

Also view: Tyre Safety

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