Road Safety Blog

Who has right of way at uncontrolled intersections?


The Arrive Alive Website received this interesting request pertaining to the Rules of the Road:

“I hope you can help, I have been searching the web without success.

Regarding an uncontrolled intersection in a residential municipal area, that is an intersection with no stop, yield or other traffic sign, is there any rule for drivers?

I understand that in some countries the “yield to the right” rule applies, but I have not been able to confirm this. How should drivers handle these intersections, in terms of the road traffic ordinance?”

We have referred this to te Experts and would like to share the response:

“In South Africa, the Road Traffic Act does not include a general rule that states that a driver must give way to traffic from the right. For roundabouts and other situations there are specific rules regarding right of way that apply to the particular road sign or signal at the intersection.

Likewise, there is no rule regarding right of way at an intersection that is not governed by a regulatory road sign.

If there is a warning sign ahead of the intersection that indicates which road is the secondary road and which is the major road (as indicated by the broad black line), which is not likely in the suburban situation described, then vehicles on the major road would have right of way.

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