Road Safety Blog

Fireworks present a threat to animals and road safety


We have given some attention to the dangers of animals crossing our roads – and the need for road users to be alert to these dangers. We seldom consider why these animals might be crossing the road and pay most of our attention to farmers having to repair fences and keep their gates closed.

A visitor to the Arrive Alive website sent an email with another contributing factor to having animals cross the road – the habit of lighting fireworks!

We would like to share this message:

“Dear Editor

The yearly firework horror bangfest is almost upon us once again. It starts with Diwali followed by Guy Fawkes (which in Durban is supposed to be banned. (Ha Ha!) Then the drunken revellery of New Years Eve…

The worsening growing abuse of firecrackers is now resulting in another terrible deadly menace manifesting itself on our highways and byways in the form of terrified panic stricken animals fleeing in terror from these toys from hell.

As it seems to get worse and worse every year, it is high time that Arrive Alive, the supposed champions of road safety, together with Road Transport Dept and municipalities came on board and helped to put a stop to this ghastly situation, as I am sure that we soon will see a number of dreadful motor accidents resulting in people losing their lives.

This firework horror has got to be stopped and the bylaws of cities have to be enforced. No one has the right to inflict their cultural or religious practices on others not of the same persuasion. If we are going to stop further totally unnecessary carnage and dead people sooner or later on ours roads, lets get rid of this dreadful suburban terrorism before it is too late!!”

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