Road Safety Blog

Rain And Misty Conditions Keep Emergency Personnel Busy

ER24 paramedics in Kwa Zulu Natal have been kept rather busy in the last four hours of this morning responding to various motor vehicle accidents throughout the region.

ER24 paramedics from Pietermaritzburg reported that in an hour they had responded to four accidents, where six people had sustained serious injuries. In the first accident on Edendale Road, a bakkie and a Condor collided into one another. Four people were treated for serious neck and back injuries and had to be stabilised before been transported to Edendale Hospital in a serious but stable condition.

The second accident occurred in Hilton, where two bakkies collided into one another. Two people were injured in this accident and needed advanced life support intervention. They were transported to Northdale Hospital for further medical care. Both accidents were due to wet weather conditions and poor visibility due to mist.

In Durban, ER24 paramedics were just as busy with motor vehicle collisions due to the wet roads and poor visibility. The main accidents occurred mainly on the N2 between the M7 and Higgingson Highway. There were no injuries on the scenes but mainly bumper bashes amongst several cars, causing severe traffic back log on the freeway this morning.

On the N3 heading towards Pinetown, a BMW crashed into the back of a bus before losing control and smashing into the Armco barrier. ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene and found the BMW in the right hand lane and the bus was found a few meters in the front off the side of the road. The passenger of the BMW, an elderly lady had sustained serious neck and back injuries and was complaining of severe pain to her shoulder. Specialised equipment and advanced life support intervention had to be performed on the patient before she was transported to Addington Hospital in a serious but stable condition.

ER24 paramedics are asking motorist to be extra careful on the road today due to the rain and possible lose oil on the road that has resurfaced because of the rain. Make sure your head light are on and that you keep a good following distance from the car in front of you to help avoid any unnecessary problems that may occur which you are unaware of.

Derrick Banks, ER24

Also view:

Safe Driving in Mist and Fog

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