Road Safety Blog

Have you ever caused an accident while being distracted in traffic? You can help others!

We would like to share a request for assistance:

“”I’m working on a project for a series of television commercials and am looking for real-life people who have experienced injuries or accidents in specific settings.

Do you know of anyone who had had a car accident because they were distracted? I.e putting on lipstick or changing the radio station?

If so, would you be able to put me in contact with the person? The person would be compensated with a fee as well as the covering of any applicable expenses.”

Kind regards,


Bianca Wright

Freelance Journalist

Email Bianca if you can help her:

On Distracted driving -view the following sections:

Avoiding distractions while driving
Texting and distracted driving
Pedestrian distractions and road safety

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