Road Safety Blog

Numerous farm workers injured in Fouriesburg incident

Aproximitly 100 people sustained various injuries this afternoon following a single vehicle incident on the R26 near Fouriesburg.

The cause of the incident is unclear at this stage, but an interlink truck transporting aproximitly 100 workers had allegedly veered from the road into the field, going through ditches and over bumps. The shaking and movement of the trailer allegedly caused some of the workers to be catapulted off of the trailer.

When ER24 paramedics arrived at the scene they found patients laying next to the road and some still climbing off of the back of the trailer. All of the patients recieved treatment for injuries ranging from suspected back and neck injuries to various scrapes and bruises.

With superb communication multiple Emergency Medical Services coordinated the treatment and transport of the patients at the scene before transporting them to various medical facilities in the surrounding area. Local law enforcement officials attended the scene and will be investigating the incident further.

Andre Visser, ER24

084 211 2277

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