Road Safety Blog

Questions, Answers and Advice on Rules of the Road when turning right

We would like to share some questions emailed to the Arrive Alive website pertaining to the Rules of the road when turning right. K53 expert Gavin Hoole answered these questions and we would like to share his responses as well!

Questions and Answers:

To Whom It May Concern

I’m trying to settle a debate regarding a rule of the road.  If you are not the correct person, can you please forward my question to the relevant department.

I’ve checked various sites – but couldn’t find a suitable answer.

I’ve attached 2 photos of the intersection in question — Campground Road and Park Road heading towards Rondebosch Common.

In photo A (Campground Road) – lane 5 – is compulsory straight, and lane 6 is compulsory right turn.

The road then turns into Park Road which has 3 lanes:  1 – compulsory left and lanes 2 and 3 are straight ahead (photo B).

If a vehicle is turning into Park Road as indicated in the photos, and the driver wishes to be in lane 1 to turn left at the next robot….

What is the correct protocol to follow?

1. Can the driver choose any lane (1, 2 or 3) to turn into – as he is turning from a single turn-only lane (6)?

Answer: The driver turning right should plan to position his vehicle during the turn so that after the right turn he is already in the left lane in Park Road in preparation for his upcoming left turn, especially if that left turn will be a short distance from the intersction at which he has just turned right. If it is further on, then this is not quite as important, provided there is enough time for him to check mirrors and blind spots, signal left, check left blind spot again and then – if it is still safe – change lane to the left in order to be in the correct lane for the left turn. It is clearly better to be in the appropriate (left) lane when entering Park Road.

2. Must he turn in to 2 or 3 first — then indicate to move into lane 1?

Answer: No, it is not a requirement that he turn into the middle lane. Standard driving practice would be to turn into the lane you need to be in. This, of course, assumes the ttraffic flow does not prevent the driver form doing this safely.

Considering, the normal rules of the road, the vehicles turning right have yielded to the oncoming traffic, and any oncoming vehicles turning left into Park Road, and it’s clear to proceed for the vehicle turning right.

Also consider, that a filter arrow gives the vehicle turning right – the right of way.

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