Road Safety Blog

CCTV Camera captures horrific crash at intersection where traffic light are out

We received footage of a horror crash at an intersection where the traffic lights were out of order. It appears that most vehicles were cautiously approaching and proceeding across this dangerous intersection. The cyclist moved slowly to halfway and waited till vehicles to his left stopped before he tried to cross.

The driver of the truck on the far left lane showed no signs of reducing speed and collided with both the cyclist and a bakkie turning across and heading into the same direction as the cyclist.

We need to emphasize the following from this incident:

When traffic lights are out of order – it becomes a stop street / 4 way stop! The Arrive Alive website shares the following advice on such a situation:

Traffic Lights / Intersections

Most of the frustration on the road is caused by delays when traffic lights are out! There are a few basic tips to follow that will protect the road user and avoid frustrations:

And the big NO’s

Also view:

Load shedding and Road Safety 

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