Road Safety Blog

What are the Signs that you may need Trauma Counselling After a Motor Vehicle Crash?

When you have been in a motor vehicle accident you may be apprehensive to take to the road again. The loss of security in your environment, feelings of being vulnerable, shock or of being a bit apprehensive to get back behind the wheel are all normal feelings that a person may go through straight after an accident.Also you do not necessarily have to have been in an accident that may have been life threatening to have these feelings of insecurity or apprehension. Motor vehicle accidents are never planned and your sense of vulnerability will inevitably be increased if you have been through such an experience. These anxieties and stresses usually subside one to three weeks after the accident and should not be lingering or ongoing.

If however, you have been emotionally traumatised by your experience your anxiety and stress levels will only increase. If gone untreated emotional trauma will usually manifest itself in a physical form, such as heart palpitations, migraines or severe headaches, insomnia or even eating disorders. If you find yourself in the latter category you may be in need of trauma counselling and will need to see a professional trauma counselor to help you overcome the emotional trauma you had gone through and to help you cope with your daily activities.  

When you have been the victim of a motor vehicle accident it is important to determine if you have suffered emotional trauma as a result thereof. Not recognising the signs and symptoms of trauma or ignoring it can have detrimental results on your physical and mental health. Some people may even force themselves to start driving again and this could pose dangerous to other drivers on the road due to loss of concentration, heightened stress levels , physical black-outs or blurred vision.

Here are the Signs and Symptoms of Trauma to help you determine if you have been a victim of emotional trauma:

Recognising these symptoms early and getting help to heal from the trauma will help you detach yourself emotionally from the physical event of the accident that occurred and get you back on the road, safely and vigilantly in no time. A traumatised driver could result unsafe road usage and a professional trauma counselor is just a phone call away. If you feel you have been emotionally traumatised by a motor vehicle accident feel free to call a professional trauma counselor to get the help you need and help you to stay alert and most importantly arrive alive at your destinations.  

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