Road Safety Blog

Night Driving Made Safer with Extra Two Seconds Reaction Time

It is no secret that road accidents are a huge problem in South Africa. In fact, fatalities on the roads are the second leading cause of unnatural deaths and with over 1 700 lives lost over the 2016/17 festive period alone, very few will be surprised to learn that South Africa has the 42nd highest road mortality rate in the world with 25.1 road deaths per 100 000 population.

Most of these fatalities occur after dark when drivers are tired, have impaired vision, have had a few drinks, take more risks as they rush to get home after a long day at the office or their vehicle lighting is insufficient.

More often than not drivers are not aware of a globe that is faulty or not working unless someone points it out to them. As we head into the last month of winter when the days are still very short with the sun setting before 6pm, during peak hour traffic, it is imperative that you check all lighting on your vehicle – both headlamps and tail lamps. If any of these lights show even a slight sign of dimming it is essential you change it immediately – before it you become a danger to yourself and others on the road.

Grandmark International has partnered with Philips to bring you some of the best automotive globes available. These include the stylish WhiteVision and the long-life EcoVision, the most environmentally friendly car lamp to date. We also stock Philips X-tremeVision, a lamp so powerful that it provides an astonishing 130% greater visibility when compared to standard globes. With their optimised high precision filament geometry, up to 13-bar high pressure gas filling, high precision chrome coating and high quality UV-Quartz glass, Philips headlights set a new standard in automotive lighting. All halogen and xenon lamps are made with high-quality, anti-UV quartz glass. Greater pressure allows the globes to produce more light and have a longer lifespan while withstanding thermal shocks.

Perfect illumination is especially important in the distance – usually between 75 – 100 meters in front of your vehicle. With Philips X-tremeVision car bulbs you can see up to 45 meters further, giving you two seconds more reaction time. Philips X-tremeVision boosts your visibility with up to 130% more light on the road. This helps you recognize obstacles and any potential dangers earlier than with any other halogen headlamp.

Contact your nearest spares outlet for a Philips lighting solution for your car. Remember to keep an extra set of globes in your car in case of emergencies – especially on long distance trips.

For more information, visit

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