Road Safety Blog

There may be a few signs that it is time to consider a new car!

You’re past the point of being able to turn a blind eye to the flickering lights, constant repairs, and increasing insurance. At some point, you need to consider the prospect of looking for a new car. Betty may have served you well over the years but it’s time to pull out the car book value calculator, sort out your finances and say your goodbyes. Here are a few signs to let you know when it’s indeed time for a new car.

Secretly fearing for your life

You can’t keep ignoring the strange sounds coming from every corner of your car which makes driving alone at night creepier than it needs to be. If you’re secretly fearing for the condition of your perfect nose because the airbag lights have been flashing for days and you’re just waiting for them to go off, then it’s time for a new car. You can’t keep ignoring the safety warnings.

Over the years the promise of safety on your vehicle diminishes and services and repairs become temporary solutions. Safety features are constantly evolving in the auto industry and your 2004 model, unfortunately, doesn’t have them. Not only that, but it’s not good practice to test the life limit of your car, if it’s her time, let her go. You don’t want to risk breaking down on the highway or in an unsafe area.

Repairs.33 recurring

If you leave the repair shop just to turn back around 300m later with another issue or worse, the same issue, it’s time. If you need more than two major breakdown repairs in a year, then save yourself the time and money and look for a new car. You may be getting away with single minor repairs every now and then but even so, those costs, in the long run, are going to eat at your wallet more than if you sell your car and buy a new one. Make sure you are aware of how much you’re spending on repairing your car versus how much your car is worth. The statistics may shock you into selling your car today.

It’s looking a bit sad

Okay, so this shouldn’t be the only contributing factor to needing to buy a new car, but it certainly does indicate age and quality value. Combined with constant repairs or safety issues, you can start drooling over new leather seats. Finding pieces of your car broken off and lying on your tattered carpets, or rust settling in means that your car is on its way to falling apart. Sun and weather damage is a real thing and, unfortunately, unless you can help it with covered parking, there’s no sunblock to keep the paint and trimmings on your vehicle in pristine condition. Just learn the first time and when you buy your next car, look after it as best you can. Trust that you will save money on a complete makeover by just buying a new car.


Another way to know that it’s time for an upgrade is when your old car just simply isn’t able to compete with the fuel-efficient cars of today. New models are designed with fuel-efficiency in mind whereas your 1995 Ford Aspire was designed to just be driven as long as possible without falling apart. This comes with rising oil prices and the realities of inflation so it’s really not your car’s fault. But do yourself and your bank account a favour and buy a new fuel-efficient car.

You’re harming the planet

It’s not only a potential problem for your gasket if white smoke is trailing out of your exhaust, but it’s a definite and immediate problem for the planet. If you enjoy acid rain, global warming, and respiratory problems, by all means, continue to chug along in your mini gas chamber. But if you actually care about the environment, your health and the health of your future children, buy a new car and start reducing your car’s pollution footprint. Many of the new cars are either fuel efficient, electric or come with an environment label that symbolises its design efforts to reduce car pollution. Obviously, unless your car is completely electric, you will still be causing some harm but it will be exponentially less.

Consider all your buying options and be realistic about the state of your car. Your safety and sanity is stake and should be taken seriously. It may be sad to say goodbye but hello’s and new things will make up for it.

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