Road Safety Blog

What should I do if I came into contact with a person that was tested positive for COVID19?

Telkom has partnered with Carte Blanche to bring you the most recent and accurate information regarding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), below we’ve outlined the most important information and procedures for you.

For the latest verified information on COVID-19, keep an eye on the Department of Health, World Health Organisation and the National Institute for Communicable Diseases’ websites.

Government has also launched an online portal which is regularly updated with all the latest announcements and data. These announcements can also be accessed via WhatsApp. Simply add +27 060 012 3456 and type “Hi” to start the chat.

If you have any concerns or questions you can call the NICD’s dedicated Covid-19 hotline. If you suspect you may have been infected, don’t leave home as you could further the spread of the virus. Rather phone the NICD or your doctor for guidance on what to do next. The Department of Health has also provided a helpful guide on proper self-isolation practices and what to expect.

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