You deserve to be able to move safely no matter what is happening in the world. Which is why we’re focused on your safety before, during and after every ride.

We’d also like to remind you of the latest COVID-19 related safety features available that will help protect everyone, every time they use Uber.

Pre Trip

  • Travelling terms: Practising social distancing remains critical to curb the spread of the coronavirus. That’s why non-essential traveling has been strongly discouraged. With the relaxation of travel and time restrictions on all road-based public transport modes, for those who do have to leave the house, Uber is available to take you where you need to go.
  • Checklist ready: Working with the World Health Organization and the latest public health advice, we have compiled safety tips and recommendations specifically geared toward ridesharing and food delivery. This information and other tips is available in our interactive safety checklist that riders and drivers must acknowledge before going online:
    • Riders will be required to take safety precautions, and will receive a reminder before each trip to follow hygiene best practices, like washing their hands before getting in the car, and opening windows for ventilation.
    • Drivers are required to follow World Health public health authority Covid-19 advice, including hand washing, cleaning cars, using sanitising products. When logging into the app, drivers will receive the checklist of steps that must be confirmed before taking trips on the Uber platform.
  • Mask : All Uber riders and drivers will be required to wear a mask or face covering when taking a trip. As part of a new in-app safety checklist, before drivers and couriers are able to go online they will be asked to take a selfie to verify they are wearing a mask or face covering using new object recognition technology. Drivers can cancel a ride without a penalty if a rider isn’t wearing a mask or face covering. Riders can do the same.

On Trip

  • Seating: We’ve made a maximum seating capacity at  50% per vehicle, and riders need to sit in the back seat to encourage physical distancing between riders and drivers. In addition, vehicle partitions will be fitted in all vehicles – this will be rolled to all drivers over the next few weeks.
  • Mandatory Masks: To help keep our communities safe and healthy as people begin to move again, and following the government’s safety guidance, all riders and drivers are required to wear masks when using the Uber app.
  • Payment: Riders are encouraged to switch to Uber Cash, a new digital payment option for safer travel. Top up your balance in advance to plan ahead for future trips while managing your spend. Plus, your funds will never expire.

Post Trip

  • New feedback system:  We have added new options for feedback in the Uber app, including if a rider or driver is not wearing a mask. Anyone who is repeatedly flagged for violating our new safety policies risks losing access to Uber’s apps. Uber’s two-way feedback system has long helped ensure both riders and drivers uphold certain standards by requiring feedback on issues like vehicle quality, navigation, and speeding, and we encourage all users to make use of this service for any issues.

These new safety measures are applied on all Uber products, and will stay in effect for the coming period, and will be reviewed based on the latest official health guidance. Looking forward, Uber is committed to working with governments and public health bodies to help everyone stay safe when using the Uber app.