Road Safety Blog

The inaugural Global Congress for Linear Infrastructure and Environment (GCLIE)

Hosted by the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), the inaugural Global Congress for Linear Infrastructure and Environment (GCLIE) will take place virtually over a two-day period: 20 & 21 September 2021, preceding the 2021 ICOET conference.

The first GCLIE will set a foundation for the understanding of transportation and environmental issues across continents, exploring the similarities and differences to inform meaningful dialogue and influence positive change on the global stage.  GCLIE will compliment and coordinate the work of the five existing continental conferences by focusing on big ideas and intense dialogue to encourage high-level contributions to environmental preservation and long-term sustainability with a global reach.

We invite you to join your colleagues from around the world in this global meeting, the first of its kind to take on improving sustainability of linear infrastructure and future development that cuts across all continents and affects us all, be it positively or negatively or both. GCLIE will include invited keynote speakers, technical papers, and contributed presentations.  You can register for GCLIE here:

Presenting Global Scientists

Fernanda Zimmermann Teixeira:-Post-Doctoral Fellow, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

Lucy Waruingi: Executive Director – African Conservation Centre (Kenya)

Carme Rossell: Senior Scientist, Minuartia (Spain)

Kate Newman: Vice President, Sustainable Infrastructure and Public Sector Initiatives, World Wildlife Fund (US)

David Theobald: Senior Scientist, Conservation Planning Technologies (US)

We very much look forward to your participation in making the inaugural GCLIE a success!

Fraser Shilling ( & Wendy Collinson (



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