Road Safety Blog

What does bad driving do to the environment?

As South Africa marks energy month, drivers should consider how their daily travels add to carbon emissions. In the USA and the UK, the transport sector is responsible for emitting more greenhouse gases than any other sector. Globally, this sector is responsible for emitting a quarter of the world’s CO2 emissions.

The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says from these stats it is clear that driving impacts the environment considerably. “Yet, the solution is not simple as most people are unable to stop using their vehicles. Therefore, rather than focus on the mode of transport you use rather determine how to use your vehicle in a way that reduces your carbon footprint.

“Economical or ‘eco’-driving teaches drivers how to drive in a way that not only saves money but reduces the carbon emissions each driver adds to the environment. Most of the skills that make one an eco-driver is learnt through defensive driving. Some of the basic tenets of becoming a better driver makes you an environmentally-conscious driver too.”

This is how you can be an eco-driver:

Other things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint as a driver:

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