Road Safety Blog

Woman attacked in her home in Valdin Heights

A 71-year-old woman was attacked and robbed in her home while she was in the process of washing her religious idols.

Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were dispatched to the property on Hibiscus Road in Valdin Heights, KZN after receiving reports of a home invasion. On arrival, the frantic victim informed Reaction Officers that she was in the process of washing her religious idols when four armed men entered her house through an unlocked gate.

The robbers pistol-whipped her before forcing her to the ground. One suspect placed his foot on her throat and demanded to know where her valuables were hidden. His accomplices ransacked two bedrooms. They loaded jewelry into pillowcases before they sped off in a white Ford Ranger Club Cab (registration unknown).

The suspects are believed to be linked to two other home invasions where elderly individuals were attacked today (Monday).

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