Road Safety Blog

A woman gave birth at the Kathu police station before being transported to the hospital in Kuruman for further medical treatment

SAPS members are considered the frontline responders in any situation and this was the situation on Monday, 27 March 2023 when a mother arrived at approximately 18:00 at the Kathu Community Service Centre already in labour.

The shift commander of relief D, Warrant Officer Mmota Rasekoai was taken by surprise by the woman who was visibly experiencing labour pains when she arrived at the police station requesting assistance. Constables Violet Motlhole and Nomthandazo Bangiso, who were on duty in the CSC at the time of incident, did not hesitate and immediately took charge of the situation when they realised that the mother of three was already in labour.

Nurse Pitso and firefighters from the Gamagara Municipality, also arrived at the scene and further assisted with the complicated processes that involved post-natal care. The mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl, named Tshepiso at the Kathu police station before being transported to the hospital in Kuruman for further medical treatment.
It is not every day that such wonders occur at a police station but when they do happen, our members in blue are always willing and ready to assist no matter what the situation might be.

The Kathu Station Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Modise expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the members and other role players who assisted with the birth of baby Tshepiso, who is said to be doing well. Congratulations to all members of Shift D of the Kathu Police Station who so gallantly assisted a mother in an emergency.

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